flood defences
More and more the streets become rivers, drains cannot handle the excess water. And before you know it, the water flows into your home. The damage which a couple of inches of water can do is huge.
A temporary barrier can help a hand
flood defences
Flooding from extreme rainfall is the fastest growing climate problem for many manufacturers. With many companies in risk areas flooding is high on the calendar, but what can they do with a temporary flood wall? Every company can be faced with flooding.
flood defences
And what do the local governments and water boards do to prevent flooding? These are just a few questions that we, as a supplier of temporary flood defences, ask when meeting with these parties. A flood wall can prevent governments a lot of damage for example on infrastructure.
How to protect yourself from flooding with our flood barrier.
Our temporary flood defense barrier, is the new temporary flood innovation. Which offers preventive measures against flooding and water damage. You have found us because you are searching for a solution, a preventive measure against flooding and water damage. You are a few clicks away from solving your problem, preventing flooding.
100 meters of our mobile flood defence system can be installed in 1 hour and weighs only 6.5 kg per meter.
Why do people still opt for the traditional sand bag in the event of a flood when there are so many more beautiful innovations? Sand bags against flooding are not always the best flood protection. You can say that the sand bag flood wall is not so effective. Our temporary removable flood barriers is much more effective on waves for example. Sand bags will flush away by the impact of strong waves, our flood defences system not.
Buying sand bags is also an expensive and one-off process. Sand bags can often only be used once. A sand bag weighs around 16 kg when it is half filled with sand. Filling the sand bags and placing them requires an enormous amount of people and good logistics to get everything in the right place. Because in many situations there is little time to lay an extra flood wall, placing a sandbag dyke is an impossible task.
With 100 meters our temporary barrier of 70 cm high you can compare with a dyke of thousands of sand bags. Buying sand bags and filling sand bags and storing sand bags is expensive, intensive and very time-consuming. The purchase of our temporary flood defense is one-off, while sand bags must be purchased every time.
Sandbags versus the Tube water barrier
In some cases, sandbags may be a solution against flooding. Placing Sand Bags, filling Sand Bags and the enormous amount of people that you need to make that work require good logistics. That’s why you see that in this modern age the Sand Bag no longer is the solution of choice. Therefore removable flood barrier get a chance to prove itself in the battle against water.

flood protection with our water barrier
The weather is changing and with it the precipitation. There is more and more rain locally, so much that sometimes the sewers can no longer process all that water. This is often not clean water. Suppose this water enters your house. It is not only that you have damage due to a flood, but also the smell that the flood brings. It is important to be prepared for any calamities. Too often, people, companies and governments only purchase emergency measures against flooding once they have been flooded. The damage has already been suffered.
For homeowners we have a cheap and suitable version of the flood barrier up to 40 cm high, the HOMEBARRIER. This is for sale from € 200 per meter. We also have an online calculator for the foreign market with which the customer can immediately see what the barrier will cost.
There are still plenty of water boards that buy sandbags and store them in large sheds, here the bags digest after a few years and or are eaten by vermin.
For municipalities and water boards, 40 cm heigh water barrier is often too little for a temporary flood defense, and we have the mobile dike that reaches a height of 70 cm.